Breathe Pilates: Studio & Spa's Blog

Your Specific Skin Type

March 17th, 2013 • Posted by Breathe Pilates: Studio & Spa • Permalink

 As skin care professionals, it's our job to help you present your best face to the world. We can make you glow, but once you leave our facility, it's up to you to properly care for your skin. If you'll work with us, we can keep your skin clear and smooth no matter what your skin type, while minimizing the visible signs of aging.

Normal Skin

Lucky you. Your skin is smooth and isn't prone to breakouts. That doesn't mean you can be haphazard with skin care. Use a gentle cleanser, then moisturize with a product that includes a sunscreen to block harmful sun exposure that can prematurely age your skin.

Treat yourself to a spa facial to improve blood flow for your skin and provide overall relaxation. Classic facials consist of cleansing and exfoliating your skin with a massager and mask. Afterwards, we rinse your skin thoroughly and finish with a moisturizer.

Dry/Sensitive Skin

Dry or sensitive skin feels tight, with patchy spots and fine lines. Hydration and sun protection are essential, but heavy, oily products may irritate your skin, making matters worse. Instead, seek products with no dyes or perfumes, or that are labeled "hypoallergenic." Rinse with cool or slightly warm water and scrub only very sparingly.

Facials for dry or sensitive skin often include masks constraining emollients, with exfoliation done manually. We may leave the mask on your face for 20 minutes or longer to allow for maximum hydration. A rich, yet light moisturizer finishes the treatment.

Oily/ Acne Prone Skin

Oily skin has large pores and shiny spots, especially across the forehead, nose and chin. Acne is a common complaint even among adults. The upside is that oily skin often conceals visible signs of aging. Vigorous cleansing and exfoliation are OK, but don't get carried away with harsh products or too much scrubbing.

When we give facials to customers with oily skin, we focus on absorbing excess oil and lifting impurities from the pores while maintaining moisture. Cleansing and moisturizing are often followed by a clay based mask. We finish with a water based moisturizer that includes a sunscreen.

Regular cleansing and moisturizing with the right products keeps all skin types healthy. For minor breakouts or other problems, let us help with professional treatments. A facial or massage can also provide a much needed break from your normal, hectic routine.

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